domingo, 26 de abril de 2009

correction.*. Anita´s blogg

Anita´s blogg correction.

t(sp)oday i(sp) visited this webpage, I really like(t) it because I was able to learnt(t) some phonetics tips and also i(sp) was listening (t) the correct pronunciation of the( ) vowels.

one(sp) thing i(sp) learnt and that i(sp) found out courious(sp) was that the vowel it's really common and frequent in english speakers, in fact the most important sound in english(sp), that has it her[ ] own name schwa.
i(sp) think this is a great help for us, because we have the phonetic class and this is going to be a good training and to complemente(ww) the class .
other(sp) thing i(sp) like(t) from the BBC webpage it( ) was the quizz section, because that let me test my skills and improve myself.
i(sp) think this kind of pages are good for us (student), because it is(ww) an interactive way to learn and also we received new information that could it be useful for our class.
well that's all for today
kisses and hugs

viernes, 24 de abril de 2009


I think you are a great thinker and of course so creative. Your blog shows clearly how you are and I really would like have time to make my blog as interesting as yours, but unfortunately I don’t.

On the other hand, I loved your blog because you gave it personality, for example if I’d see it somewhere I would know that is yours! = ). Now speaking of your post they are so great too, because you try to make them so reflective and I think it is the most important thing when you write something in a public place…*.*.*.*.

So, Anita you are so great and your blog shows it. The presentation of your site is really good and very entertaining, it has great colors which represent your personality (why you are so cute!!!!!) definitely pink is your color eh?…About photos, I can say they represent the child you have inside and which we have inside too but we usually don’t show and to be honest you express it and it seems you don’t care the others, you just are how you are!…and this is so important because sometimes most of us leave our interests, thoughts and feeling. What I want to say is that you are how you are all the time and you don’t change for something or someone, for me this is a quality, take care it!*.*.*.

viernes, 17 de abril de 2009

Education as a bussiness?

" Your teachers teached you how to learn?

Minister of education, Mónica Jiménez de la Jara

I am writting this letter because I would like you to know what opinion I have about your latest decision in General Law Education (LGE).

First of all, as a citizen I have opinion and decision in our democratic society, so that I think that any authority must consider citizenship`s opinion but relate to education it has not happened at all.

Speaking of democratic decisions, there have been many opportunities to reflect about what students think about this issue and which affect us in a big way. We are the protagonists of it, and we are at school every day facing different kind of problems which sometimes we do not know how to solve them, we do not how to embrace those kind of situations, because no body at school teach us how to do this, what I want to say is that our education encourages the development of knowledge instead of critical thinking and of course ignore the individualism.

In conclution, you must reflect on this because as an authority you make decisions which affect our education.

Macarena Albornnoz, English student.
Universidad Alberto Hurtado, 2009

"Teach, don`t peach. Share and Create" .*.*.*

martes, 14 de abril de 2009

domingo, 12 de abril de 2009


.***Easter is an significant date for me because, I am catholic and as a catholic person I try to make this day special.

.*:**:.I think that more than commemorate jesus´s death I think in how important we were for him. But now days, I usually make an effort to consider my behaviours with others if I really try to make a change in the world to improve it. This date is to think in a crital way, reflect in your relationS with others and of course with yourself.

.........................**:Think about it ...and you could see what is going on around you and how important you are to make a change...TRY it...

viernes, 3 de abril de 2009


Today, we are going to see an interview of my classmates, both gave me a great view about this issue. I consider that Chilean people reject Peruvians, and they do not consider that they come here to get better oportunities because their country does not provide them.

Now listen the interview and reflect about it... I really want to know what do you think...

  • what is your opinion about imigrant people?

  • Do you agree with people who reject Peruvians?

  • If you were in a difficult economic situation and your country does not provide you good possibilities to improve it, what would you do if you are the support of your family? would you look for it abrod?

  • Do you consider that Chilean culture makes a difference between American and Latin American people? is yes why?